
Mass Communication 

Fashion Design 

College Of Creative Industries

Bachelor of Arts in Design, Major: Multimedia Design



The Multimedia Design program aims to supply the market with graduates who will be able to:


  •  Demonstrate sufficient knowledge in all aspects of multimedia design and technologies.
  •  Obtain higher order objectives (such as; problem solving skills, critical thinking, creativity and innovation).
  •  Demonstrate competency in leadership, teamwork and ethical responsibilities for their professional careers.


  •  Students can identify Multimedia Design applications and employ industry leading Multimedia software to build creative and innovative design projects.
  •  Students can think creatively using different brainstorming methods to analyze design problems and suggest creative solutions theoretically and practically.
  •  Students can apply their communication skills and critical thinking to judge artworks and projects presented by their teamwork and give rational feedback.
  •  Students can engage in independent learning, research and lifelong learning.
  •  Students can identify and respect the different cultural and ethical aspects of society.


Graduates of Graphic Design Program will be able to:


  •  Identify multimedia design principles, theories and concepts through observation and Exploration.
  •  Apply proficiency in basic research skills in order to generate ideas, decisions and strategies for multimedia projects.
  •  Demonstrate technical and creative artistic skills of multimedia production tools and technologies to provide an effective implementation to a given design project and continue lifelong learning.
  •  Solve design problems and consider appropriate techniques for sustainable developments through brainstorming, planning and production process.
  •  Evaluate design work in their field, including their own work, using professional terminology.
  •  Employ communication skills such as teamwork, time management, task organizing, and intrapersonal skills and connect with their intended audience using visual, oral, and written presentation skills relevant to their field.
  •  Practice professional behaviors related to Cultural competence and Design Ethics.
  •  Apply business and entrepreneurial skills in their field of work to compete and seek professional opportunities in the local and global marketplace.


The entry requirement from the Higher Education Admission Centre (HEAC) is General Education Diploma, Royal Guard Technical College Diploma

- with (Not less than C) in:

English language - Arts or Engineering drawing And

- with (Not less than D) in:

Pure or Applied Mathematics or Mathematics Arabic language

  •  Eligible students will undergo design entrance exams. The students with the highest score will be accepted in the design program.
  •  Upon entering the program, the students are required to successfully complete a foundation program.