It is my pleasure to welcome you to the website of IT Department! .
Eric Bell, a Scottish mathematician, once said that "Mathematics is the Queen and the Servant of the Sciences." I think this is a great way to think of the scope and power of mathematical thinking. To me, mathematics underlies the sciences, and that statement is only becoming essential as time passes. (You cannot be a modern day biologist or forensic scientist without understanding a substance of probability).
Students entering our college may bring with them some knowledge of mathematics; however, our lecturers will try their very best to further help these students to build on this knowledge and recognize its value. Also, they will use manipulative and other concrete models of mathematics phenomena to help them make a transition from concrete to abstract thinking.
Thus in the IT Department (Math Section), you will find interesting Math courses which may help students to improve their mathematical and critical thinking skills. As opposed to other areas of the liberal arts curriculum, mathematics is more like rope climbing a mountain to get to the top than stopping at scenic overlooks to get a glimpse in various directions. Our staff makes use of effective use of appropriate technology which becomes a routine part of instruction, where the use of technology changes not only how mathematics is taught, but also when and what mathematics is taught.
Good advising can help you reach the summit more quickly and purposefully. Almost every sphere of knowledge and industry today relies on Mathematics for providing a conceptual framework and associated analytical and problem-solving techniques. This is why your future prospects and employability are enhanced by meaningful and tailored mathematical content as part of your degree. Whatever your background or interests in Mathematics may be, we welcome you to our section and look forward to meeting you! I wish you happy browsing! Questions and comments are welcome via in the "About" link at the top of our site pages.
Dr. Bushra Hibras Al Sulaimi
Head of Section