About College

Software Engineering 

Network Computing 

Information Systems 

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 

Cyber and Information Security 

College of Computing and Information Sciences

The College of Computing and Information Sciences is a pioneering college in Oman offering programs in contemporary topics with a curriculum designed to meet market demands. Students will undergo a rich and unique learning experience with high emphasis on practical skills to boost their competitiveness and prepare them for a dynamic future. Furthermore, our programs are aligned with professional organizations such as ACM/ Computing Curricula and they are well-integrated with professional organizations such as CISCO, Oracle, and Microsoft. The College of Computing and Information Sciences offers five main specializations: Software Engineering, Network Computing, Cyber and Information Security, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, and Information Systems. The College awards 13 qualifications.


In addition to gaining a wide range of technical skills in a variety of IT fields, students at the College of Computing and Information Sciences will be able to conduct research, enhance their talents, critical thinking, innovation, and entrepreneurial skills. The college provides students with the opportunity to participate in extracurricular, interdisciplinary, and experiential activities which enhance their marketability among the top regional and international organizations. The programs will also prepare the students to pursue their post graduate studies.