College of Education

Bachelor of Education in English Language



To prepare well-rounded qualified graduates to work as teachers in the educational field in Omani education by equipping them with educational and professional competencies and research skills that can enable them to deal with the new emerging trends in curricula and embark in their postgraduate studies in their disciplinary fields.



This program aims to:


  •  Prepare graduates who are academically and pedagogically qualified to teach English in schools and other institutions in Oman and the region and to produce correct Arabic translations of simple English texts for educational and institutional purposes.
  •  Prepare graduates who are life-long learners, critical and creative thinkers, and proficient users of virtual teaching, learning, and translation technologies.
  •  Prepare graduates who can both use and produce new knowledge, approaches, in-depth studies, and good practices in the area of English language teaching.
  •  Prepare graduates who are proactive, conscientious, and supportive enterprisers in educational settings and beyond.


  •  Are advanced users of the English language in its spoken and written forms in a variety of settings and to different degrees of formality.
  •  Have the necessary knowledge and skills set in English linguistics, literature, and translation to play a key role in education as English language experts.
  •  Are critical, creative, and collaborative thinkers and problem solvers.
  •  Are digital literates and proficient users of learning-supporting technologies.
  •  Have a comprehensive grounding in teaching and learning, especially in teaching English as a foreign or additional language.
  •  Are aware of the Omani school system and familiar with its English curriculum and the corresponding processes and responsibilities.
  •  Are reflective and research-based practitioners of English language teaching.
  •  Are familiar with research methodologies and skills to both use and produce new knowledge, approaches, in-depth studies, and good practices relevant to their specialization.
  •  Are academically and attitudinally ready to pursue further/postgraduate studies nationally, regionally, or internationally.


According to the approved admission conditions that agreed upon between the University and Central Admission center.